Lactation Professional Support Scholarship
PURPOSE: This fund was established because of the high cost of obtaining education and certification that is required to become a lactation professional. There is a documented need for more lactation professionals to serve the Metro St. Louis area. The purpose of this fund is to help women in our breastfeeding community, who could not otherwise afford obtaining the education or certification costs, to become a lactation professional.
ADMINISTRATION OF FUND: The Lactation Professional Support Fund Committee will be comprised of 2 STLBFC Board members and 2 STLBFC officers, one being the treasurer, and any other STLBFC members who choose to be involved. The Lactation Professional Support Committee will review applications for funding, determine eligibility, and solicit contributions from the community at large to maintain and grow this fund. The Lactation Professional Fund Committee will respond to a request for funding within 10 days of competed application.
#1 STLBFC member,
#2 Involvement in STLBFC activities or serving in the capacity of supporting breastfeeding mothers and babies in the STLBFC metro area,
#3 Stated financial need.
#1 Contact Lactation Professional Support Fund Committee with a request in writing for a specific educational or certification program that funds are being requested for in advance of anticipated date of needed funding by as much time as possible,
#2 Submit a budget for requested amount of money,
#3 Attach registration/application forms for specific program or test requesting funding for,
#4 Explain in writing of how this program or test, that funds are being requested for, will benefit the recipient,
#5 Include a statement of how recipient will use this education/certification to benefit breastfeeding mothers and babies in the STL metro area, and of recipient’s plans for involvement and/or networking with STLBFC activities.